πŸ—žοΈ Sunday Read | Why seasonal living reduces stress | Why your good intentions might not work

The Sunday Read

Yoga and Ayurveda Tips right into your Inbox

Hi Reader,

How are you? How was your week? Anything nice planned to look forward to?

I am getting ready for masterclass 1 of 3 this lunchtime. Tomorrow and Tuesday will be the other two. This is so exciting, and I love it.

But first up new blog post etc.

That's what's happening!

Why Seasonal Living Reduces Stress

Learn how aligning with nature's cycles can reduce stress and enhance health.

3-part Masterclass Take Charge of Your Life

TODAY 12.30, hurry if you want to join.

Back to Balance.

Doors open today.

Are you ready to take charge of your physical and mental health and well-being?

Wow, we have already reached the end of January. How is it going with the new resolutions? Did you discover another fad? A new tip, diet, or exercise regime; something that solves all your problems, helps you back to a good diet and makes you calm and relaxed.

But somehow, it is not working for you. Then, you get frustrated or disheartened; nothing ever works for me. And you are back to your old habits. January is particularly tough with this.

I am with you. It is so tempting, and they always seem to find the right words to understand you. But why is it not working for you?

What works for others isn't necessary for you. The life circumstances of others are different to yours. The motivation might be different. Just to name a few.

My experience is that I love the outcome but not necessarily the path to it. It might not fit into my life.

For me, all changed when I started my Yoga practice. Something I definitely didn't want to try, but my then-colleague begged me to join her. And behold, after my first 45-minute session, I was on cloud nine. No scoliosis back pain, just lightness and heaven.

The same happened with Ayurveda. When I fell ill with ulcerative colitis. I discovered how powerful Ayurveda is. I understood why what I eat is important, when, how to structure my day, and why.

This was not a fad for me because I understood the reasons behind it. Yoga can explain everything about our mind, and Ayurveda about the body and mind. Both deliver answers for millennia because those principles are not changing.

I find it helpful when I understand the reasons behind a shift or why a habit needs changing. For example, going to bed early is a true challenge for me. When I think about all the jobs the liver has to do from 10 onward, which get disturbed by me checking my emails, I find it easier to switch my laptop off.

What do you need to make something new work for you?

Hit reply and let me know. Feel free to also reach out with your questions.

Enjoy your Sunday.

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